Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Book Club Choice -Turning the Tide

This month we'll be reading Turning The Tide. This is a book about the different stages in a woman's life (sorry guys).

Is there anybody out there? Since I've started my book club, I've had no feedback. I'll continue though in my delusion that someone is actually going to start joining, reading and posting feedback. Which goes back to one of my old muslims read? One thing I've noticed is that there is a ton of traffic coming to my site regarding Stones into Schools. Since no one comments though I'm assuming they are just trying to get a synopsis of the book. Probably they are disappointed though since its an islamic perspective and my suspicion is that all those coming to read it are non-muslims. I could be wrong though. But I'll never know since no one comments!


  1. Salaamu alaikum,
    Is it really a book a month? Gosh in my crazy world it feel like you read a book a week. It makes me sad. I used to be the several book a wekk reader, but lately.... I did read, on purpose, straight through Small Kingdoms, by Anastasia Hobbet about several people connected in Kuwait, it was very good, though I am sure Kuwaitis might find it offensive. Now I am trying to read Zeitoun, by Eggers about a Muslim Family that survive Hurrican Katrina (have to get it back to the library soon). Most of the time I get too distracted to read through something cover to cover. I also have a pile of things I want to read that have been given to me, alhamduilillah. INshallah on the next book I can get from the library I'll try co-ordinating it with you. However my book funds for the year are done now. : (

  2. Wa Alaikum Salaam

    Zeitoun was my December book club pick.

    A lot of the books you can get from the library or just get them to order them for you. No need to waste money.

  3. On the left hand side of my blog you can now find a link saying Book Of the Month Club where you can find all posts related to that topic.

  4. I guess there was a reason Zeitoun stuck out in my mind... You are right, I can ILL them. My fault.

  5. oooh, I have this book! I'll have to dust it off and add it to the Read pile...
    I have also put in a request to the local library for an ILL for the Arab Dress book you mentioned recently :-)

  6. Yay! Someone will read with me this month! Remember to add your comments.

  7. oh darn i read a lot but i usu speed read so much so that i move on to another book before i can review one lol...i've been reading crazy on high school homeschooling-college and speed reading historical fictions for the kids...loool

  8. Good thing you are pre-reading the historical fiction because sometimes there are questionable(read haram) topics in them.

  9. Asalaamou alaykoum wa rahmat Allah!

    I really want to be a part of your book club! It takes me a while to get motivated to read. I'm usually the type to watch the movie. Although I do really enjoy reading when I get the chance. We just moved to London 2 weeks ago so now I'm walking distance to a library and can get the books you have on here inshallah.

  10. Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu

    So you're back in London! I will visit you for sure now! (insha Allah). Let me know what books you find. I'm half way through Turning the Tide.

  11. I've finished Turning the Tide. Anyone else?
