Monday, September 13, 2010

The Butterfly Mosque

Now that Eid is over, has anyone started to read September's book of the month club choice? How many of you have a copy? Insha Allah we will have more readers this month. I have yet to begin; still exhausted from Eid.


  1. Update: I've started it and I'm liking it. Kind of like Yusuf Islam's story meets Hegab Rehab's experience in Egypt, lol.

  2. Assalamu Alaikum,

    Did you buy the book? I still haven't gotten it from my library.. maybe I should buy it...

  3. Wa Alaikum Salaam

    Yes I bought it from Amazon. If I'm done I can pass it to you when I come.

  4. Salaams:

    This book looks the title!

    Since there is no way I can access this, I can't wait to read your thoughts on this =)

  5. Wa Alaikum salaam

    Maybe someone can send you all these titles from Canada or you can read them when you come back?

  6. I'm finished! This book needs a sequel! Is anyone else reading?

  7. Salaams..glad to hear you're done! It must have been great if it needs a sequel:)

    When I return to Canada? sure when that'll be!

    But maybe I can get someone to send me the book however long it takes. I finally got another of your book club books, Turning the Tide, some months AFTER you club read it ;)

    Anyway, you never know, I may find Butterfly Mosque in the Jarir bookstore here (which has a growing collection of English lang. materials).

  8. Wa Alaikum salaam

    What did you think of Turning the Tide? You can still leave your comments on the post. Maybe you could ask the bookstore to import the books you want.
