Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm feeling better, alhumdullilah.

There's a new woman in the next city who took the same course as my daughter : Al Huda. Some of you may be familiar with it. She is teaching women in the day and children at night the Quran. Alhumdullilah for this woman, may Allah bless her Amin. Her husband is also in contact with the owner of the Islamic school so maybe one fair day I will get some more info about the school.  She is also going to be teaching word for word Quran on top of tajweed but on different days. Since I live far from her she said she could teach me the word for word part over the phone insha Allah. My children have learned at her house once and the husband was teaching the boys while she and her daughter taught the girls. Alhumdullilah there are such families that do things for the sake of God.


  1. Salaams:

    I was wondering how you were feeling and ended up here and saw this post. I'm really glad to hear that you're feeling better and that things have fallen into place for you to learn the Qur'an.

    Your sister in Islam

  2. Wa Alaikum salaam

    Thanks for your kind concern. In a place like this,its really a miracle. Alhumdullilah.

  3. Assalamu Alaikum,

