Sunday, March 13, 2011

Missionary Woman

Missionary woman, dawah dame, whatever you call it that's what I was today. We did a powerpoint and I did the 5 pillars of Islam again as well as the 6 pillars of Iman. I also presented the Dietary Laws in Islam which was one I didn't prepare. Another sister covered Women in Islam and Jihad. Then we had snacks and question time. The Christian women really enjoyed our presentation and started to ask questions about Hajj so my friend played her hajj movie again just like last week. Then we brought them upstairs to see the prayer area. They thanked us a lot and said they would tell other churches to come and visit us. Once again I told two of the women about my conversion. Then we prayed Zuhr. Overall it was a success and I look forward to sharing Islam with some new people in the future.


  1. Salam alaykom,

    I think this is great mashallah. You are clarifying many misconceptions ppl have about islam and doing dawah for Allah at the same time. May Allah reward you all and inshallah this will open the hearts of the non-believers and invite them to Islam.

  2. Wa alaikum Salaam

    Masha Allah, insha Allah.

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