Sunday, July 31, 2011
Ramadan is Here
This has been going through my head now for a couple of days. Maybe you haven't heard it yet.
Pop Up Card for Ramadan or Eid
Years ago I borrowed a book from the library called How to Make Holiday Pop-Up Cards and it had a mosque pop-up card. My kids had a great time making the card and they turned out so nicely. Another idea for making cards is to get some old wallpaper books from your local decorating/paint store and make your own. What kind of crafts are you making for Ramadan and Eid?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Islam and the Discovery of Freedom - Review
When I say Little House on the Prairie what is the first thing that comes to mind? Probably not Islam right? But the author of this book is the daughter of the author who wrote that series. Did you ever wonder why Pa was named Almanzo? You will find out when you read this book. Rose Wilder Lane wrote this book in a white heat about Islam and how men are free under it, throughout history. Although there are some errors, these are corrected throughout by Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, Ph.D. I really enjoyed this book and it made me wonder about other people like this. They become quite intimate with Islamic information and even defend Muslims and yet never end up embracing Islam. I was very familiar with most of the information but it was like a walk down islamic memory lane. I thought about my ancestors and wondered if any of them were ever crusaders and if they had ever come in contact with Islam at all. I was once again reminded of their uncleanliness as well. That never fails to amuse me. Even my native ancestors were cleaner than my European ones; taking baths in the dead of winter. But I digress. This is a quick read and I highly recommend it.
Friday Nasihah - Gratifying State, Justness, Funny Bone
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Thursday, July 28, 2011
A book about us?
So many people have told me that I should write a book about our large family. It is the trend these days. Kate did it, the Duggars did it, both twice. I'm not so sure what people would find interesting about us aside from having many children. If you were to read a book about us what would you want or expect to find in it?
Ramadan Chart
March 2012 Book Club Choice
I found one of my old notes and noticed a book choice I forgot to include in the book club. Looks like I meant to read this in March of this year but looks like it will be next year. The title of the book is Welcome to Islam - a convert's tale. It says the author has been muslim for 16 yrs ( for me its almost 20) so it should resonate with long standing converts like me.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Ramadan Book Club Choice - Reminder
The choice for Ramadan is The Marvels of the Heart. This is a blog readers choice so I look forward to a review. Or you can read last year's choice; Ameena's Ramadan Diary which I followed and posted about daily.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday Nasihah - Month of the Quran, Understanding the Prophet's Life, Understanding the Quran
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Love Verses
For a long time I've been waiting to watch Ayat-Ayat Cinta (Love Verses) with English subtitles. I finally watched it today. Its about an Indonesian student studying at Al-Azhar in Egypt and basically all the women who keep falling for him...its halal though, lol.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Friday Nasihah - Centre of Life, Making Obligations Easy, Tool of Hope
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Normal Gets You Nowhere
When I saw this book at the library on the new book shelf and started to read it, I just knew I had to get it. I mean look at the title! I've always been a rebel! Even though this book is not something I would suggest to a muslim as there is swearing and some haram stuff, if I could black all that out then I would. So many of the things she says in this book resonate with me even though she believes in something called The Mother and not a mainstream religion. For example she decided to tell her daughter the truth about holidays ie there is no Santa Claus, no tooth fairy, no Easter bunny. I have never met anyone like this. When I had my first two kids when I was still Christian I told them the truth too but told them not to tell the kids at school as their parents would spazz. I don't know what she thinks about Islam or muslims as she never mentions that in her book and maybe she wouldn't like me a bit but I feel like we have so much in common and that she snuck inside my brain. I never meet people like her and I wonder how many people feel like us but never say it.
Monday, July 11, 2011
My trip to a naturopath
On Saturday I went the natural cure route in a more extreme way than usual by going to a naturopath. I don't know what to think really. She used this machine which all google posts say is a fraud and she prescribed some natural supplements. She also suggested that I come back for accupunture (she let me try one needle to feel what its like..couldn't even feel it) and to see a chiropractor that heals you without touching you. Like so many others she suggested I stop drinking milk (everyone is saying that only raw milk is the real deal) and to increase my protein. I will try the supplements for awhile but if they have no effect then forget it. She also said I had allergies to a few things but I'm allergic to nothing. I still have to go for an MRI for my brain. No appointment yet. But that's a whole 'nother story.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Friday Nasihah - Sources of Knowledge, Bearer of Musk, State of Sincerity
In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. | ![]() |
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
A few months after I converted to Islam I found out marshmallows weren't halal among many other things. Oh it was more marshmallow cookies, no s'mores etc. Luckily halal marshmallows had already been invented and I used to get them in Toronto. Now you can easily find them in halal meat stores and sometimes in the grocery store and dollar stores in many cities. One time we even bought kosher marshmallows in Toronto in the Jewish section ( I guess its called Kensington, anyone remember watching King of Kensington?) and they were made from fish gelatin! Now I've just discovered something even more strange; vegan marshmallows. Well I'm familiar with vegan jello; asians eat it all the time, agar-agar (made from seaweed) but not marshmallows. I've never tasted them so wonder how they are. To tell the truth I've never tasted a halal/kosher marshmallow that tastes or feels as good in your mouth as a non-halal marshmallow. Here's the link. Have you tried these? Would you? Have you ever tasted a marshmallow that compares to the non-halal one (this is a question for converts).
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Visit to the eye doctor.
This month I took 5 of the kids to two separate eye doctor appointments. First I brought ds2 (14) and dd3(11). Ds2 turned out to need glasses and took it in stride having a great time picking out frames. Dd3 turned out to have perfect vision alhumdullilah and is in fact far-sighted. Next I brought ds4(10),dd4(6) and ds5( 4). Ds4 also needed glasses. He wasn't so happy but did choose 4 frames he liked of which he will choose one to have made into glasses. Dd4 who I was told by another optometrist a few years ago that she had Dwayne's retraction syndrome was told instead by this one that she had lazy eye. Huh? Those are two very different things. He told me to bring her back in 6 months. I don't know what to think now. Makes no sense. Ds5 was fine but he said perhaps in the future he too will need to wear glasses...the distant future. As for the other children ds1 does not wear glasses. Dd1 does and sometimes contacts. Dd2 is farsighted..I get her to read distant signs for me on trips, lol. Dd5 (2) is too young to be checked. Ds3(13) also wears glasses. Have your kids been to the eye doctor?
Sultan Salahudin
Yesterday I watched (and tried to get my kids to watch) the Sultan Salahudin movie I bought recently from the mosque bookstore. You can watch it here on youtube. This has made me want to learn even more about islamic history especially about Cheng Ho, Ibn Battuta and Mansa Musa.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Early Literacy Learning Computer
My library now has new interactive touch screen computers for children. They are both bilingual. One is English and French and one is English and Spanish. Dd4 is using the one with French. I wish they had two of them so dd5 could use it at the same time. Does your library have these too? My daughter says her library has one too. This is great for homeschoolers. Check it our here.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
The Unplayed Game
Yesterday I got a visit from my parents. They noticed a game on the shelf and asked me if we had played it. Embarrassingly we have not! What was the game? Hadith Challenge Game. Its funny when your non-muslim parents point out something like this! I've had it for a few months now and never got around to it. After they left ds2 took out the game and started asking me random hadith and I knew all of them masha Allah so he said well if you are going to cheat then I'm not going to play! Kids!! So insha Allah this will be on my list of things to do this summer.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Friday Nasihah - Rule for Salvation,Fasting in Shaban,Fried Frogs
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