Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dua For Entering a City

Here is the dua the Prophet Muhammad (saw) made when entering any town or city. I thought it was very beautiful and its another one that my Quran teacher shared with me.

Upon Entering A City
Upon entering a city, the Prophet (S) recited the following:
اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم ارزقنا جناها, اللهم حببنا الى اهلها وحبب صالح اهلها الينا
'Allahumma bariklaana feeha, Allahumma bariklaana feeha, Allahumma bariklaana feeha. Allahuma arzuqna Janaha, Allahuma habbibna eela ahleeha wa habbib salihee ahleeha eelaina.'
(O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, grant us sustenance from its fruits, put our love in the hearts of its people, and put the love of the righteous people in our hearts.) (Attabarani)

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