Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ramadan Mubarak.

I was tempted to make a post about how unsatisfactory some things are but stopped myself . I was even further stopped by this quote from the HeartWheel Journal;Do you ever get frustrated or stressed? Is it because, perhaps, you are focused on yourself at the moment? Probably.
Focusing on oneself = stinginess = frustration = ingratitude to Allah. Instead of focusing on ourselves today, why don’t we
focus on others? How is their health? How long have ‘they’ been waiting in line? Maybe their perspective is something
valid that I haven’t considered before? Whatever it is, stress comes from focusing on ourselves. Happiness, on the other
hand, comes from upright righteous character.

I really need to work on this, this Ramadan. Insha Allah lets all focus on others needs even the people who drive us up the wall and down the other side :)

1 comment:

  1. Assalaamu alaikum and Ramadan Mubaarak you also sister!
