Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bits and peices.

I just finished reading The Happiness Project and thought I'd share this video about making 3 friends which is like asking me to find a needle in a haystack. I also want to share something else with you. I recently talked to my brother, the older one and he told me to watch a show called Fat,Sick and Almost Dead.  I can't seem to find it as a free documentary online nor at my library nor at the local video store. I hope I can find it somewhere! It looks very interesting. Finally I've discovered that there is such a thing as exercise videos without music. This one, Oxycise even has landscape backgrounds. So get out there, make some friends, drink some vegetable/fruit juice and get some exercise.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

You Made It to the Other Side

Life is strange. You dream about making it to the other side and after years you are there but no one told you there wouldn't be anyone there with you. You change your life so much that no one can recognize you or sync with you and no one is like you on the other side either. You have Allah but as for people, not so much. Your life is better in so many ways and yet there is no one to share that with. What a paradox! You don't long to go back because you remember how bad it was but can't even comfort yourself thoroughly with the present. I think there is no other side really on this earth but only in Jannah or else we'd see the fruits of our labours or maybe we are so close to the end that this is what it looks like...a true stranger in the dunia.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10th Anniversary RIS.....who's all coming?

Out of 9 RIS conferences, I've been to only 3, but hey that's one third of the time, so that's pretty good eh? I know some people can't afford it and I notice they have tickets for people that need them and you can donate to that worthy cause too. Are any of you going? I intend to and dd2(19) will be coming too insha Allah. Ds1(26) and dd1(24) are not too sure yet. DS2(15) wants to come too this year which will be his first time although he has been to the ISNA conference before with ds3(13) as well. Check out the link here.

What I'm reading ...

I've been catching up on a lot of books I borrowed from the library and am still doing so and there are still books to get to from my own book club here. I've finished reading In the Land of Invisible Women which I was surprised that my library even had so I grabbed it. Out of so many accounts of going to hajj (that is just part of the book) this is the one that inspires me the most to go.  I like how she compliments Malaysian women so often in the book too. This is a pretty long book but will give you lots to think about.

Right now I am reading The Happiness Project. So far its kind of boring but I will continue. I also have to finish This Book is Overdue (yes I see the irony). Then there is Shanghai Girls written by Lisa See who also wrote another book I just read called Snowflower and the Secret Fan which is also a movie out on dvd now. This author is part Chinese and did so much research for this book in China and she is a captivating storyteller as well.After these I intend to read The Virgin Cure by Amy Mckay since I loved her last novel so much; The Birth House.

What have you been reading lately?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday Nasihah

Living The Quran
Al Isra (The Night Journey) - Chapter 17: Verse 106
"And (it is) a Quran that We have divided, that you may recite it unto mankind at intervals, and We have revealed it by (successive) revelations."
The Prophet's arrival signalled a new and exciting era in the history of Yathrib. Hitherto a small, insignificant agricultural settlement, Yathrib was suddenly wrested from the obscurity in which it had been shrouded. Not only did it become the centre of history in Arabia, but also the hub of a cosmological event of stupendous character. It became the focal point of Divine revelation.
More than anything, it was the sound of the Quran that transformed the whole atmosphere of the place, its every aspect and element, into a new and sublime reality. The Archangel Gabriel was a frequent visitor, descending with portions of the Quran, in response to the situation. For the Quran was not revealed in its entirety on one occasion, but gradually in portions.
Exegetes have described this special manner in which the Quran was revealed as Munajjamun (in portions). It was not revealed as former Scriptures were believed to have been, in the form of a complete book. The impact of the Quran was so great for this reason, that it interacted dynamically with people and events, every revelation being concerned with a concrete happening or event.
Compiled From:
"Sunshine At Madinah" - Zakaria Bashier, pp. 45-46

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Intellectual Capacity

God's Messenger, peace be upon him, always assessed a person's or an audience's spiritual and mental capacities accurately. He spoke directly to a particular individual at a particular time and under particular circumstances; he had no need for flattery or falsehood. One time Husayn, an eloquent speaker renowned for his persuasive rhetoric, sought to dissuade him from his mission. God's Messenger listened carefully to his argument and then initiated the following dialogue:
- Husayn, how many deities do you worship?
- Eight; one in the Heavens and the others on Earth.
- Which one do you call upon when misfortune befalls you?
- The one in the Heavens.
- Which one do you call when your goods are gone?
- The one in the Heavens.
God's Messenger asked a couple of similar questions, and, upon receiving the same answer to each question, asked: "According to you, the one in the Heavens alone answers your call. Yet you continue to associate partners with Him. Isn't this what I have been preaching? There is no deity but God. Become a Muslim and be saved." [Ibn Hajar] This apparently simple argument defeated Husayn with his own logic.
Compiled From:
"The Messenger of God: Muhammad" - Fethullah Gulen, pp. 92, 93

Cool Concepts!
The Hijrah
Anyone who has fled from a dangerous or threatening situation to a place of safety has made hijrah. Anyone who has courageously said "no more" or "not today" to a destructive, unhealthy habit or relationship or situation and begun a journey to something better has made hijrah. Anyone who has broken free from a cage of restriction and entrapment, where all possibilities are closed and the light of hope has been all but blocked, and set out in search of a new place of hope and possibility and freedom has made hijrah. Hijrah is the dynamic principle that animates the very foundations of lived Islam, for it represents the daily migration to a better place, a better state, leading ultimately to a blessed reunion with the One who made us and opened up the prophetic pathways for us to come home.
Hijrah also stands unshakably as the cornerstone of Islam in history, for it was only after the Prophet made his historic migration to Medina that Islam, as a complete religion and way of life, came into full realization. For the very first time, the community was free to assemble and establish the complete and comprehensive way of life. For the very first time, the Prophet was able to lay foundations for a more organized and systematic expression of monotheism, foundations that - for many - are believed to manifest the ultimate synthesis of politics and religions in Islam. For this reason, Muslims have ever regarded the year of this hijrah as the first year of the Islamic calendar.
Compiled From:
"In the Light of a Blessed Tree" - Timothy J. Gianotti, pp. 101, 102

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Nasihah - Social Jihad

Living The Quran
Social Jihad
Al Hujurat (The Chambers) - Chapter 49: Verse 15
"The believers are those who believe in God and His Messenger, then have not doubted, and have struggled with their possessions and their selves in the way of God; those - they are the truthful ones."
One may read this verse in the strict sense and maintain that it only addresses the question of armed struggle, and that this armed struggle imposes itself whenever there exists aggression. However, it would be reductionist to draw just that instruction. In a broader sense, a sense which is confirmed by the entire Quranic message and that of the traditions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, "fighting in the path of God" (jihad) means mobilising all our human forces, directing all our efforts and giving of our properties and our own persons in order to overcome all adversities whether they be injustices, poverty, illiteracy, delinquency or exclusion.
The Quran offers such latitude in the interpretation of the word jihad, which is of a learned and scientific nature, one which relies on dialogue, discussion and debate. On another level, it is the Prophet who presents an extensive interpretation of the word when he asserts, for example, that "Pilgrimage is a jihad". One realises that the troubles, efforts and suffering endured by the faithful during a few days in Makka, in order to give strength to their faith and answer the call of the Creator, are a jihad in the path of God.
We will not deny that there are struggles wherein circumstances lead us to direct confrontation, in order to oppose a purge here, a military occupation there, or other type of aggression such as the one we have witnessed in Bosnia and Chechnya. However, it cannot simply be a question of focusing our attention on these events alone and forgetting the broader type of fight which occurs daily and is, therefore, so much more urgent. Nowadays, our enemies, in the path of God, are hunger, unemployment, exploitation, delinquency and drug addiction. They require intense efforts, a continuous fight and a complete jihad which needs each and everyone's participation.
How many are those Muslims who want to fight beyond their own doorsteps, who want to offer, in the most sincere fashion their own persons for the cause of Islam. But, filled with this intention, they forget and remain blind to the fight that must be carried out here in their own locality, to the cause that ought to be defended in their own neighbourhoods, cities and in every country. To those who sought to assist Palestine in its fight against Zionist colonisation in the 1940s, and who perceived this expedition as representing the fulfilment of their ideal, Hassan al-Banna said: "Dying in the way of God is difficult, but living in the way of God is still more difficult." This jihad is a jihad for life, in order that every human being is given the rights which are his. The entire message of Islam carries this requirement as well as its necessary achievement.
Compiled From:
"Islam, The West and the Challenges of Modernity" - Tariq Ramadan, pp. 66-69

Understanding the Prophet's Life

When the Prophet, peace be upon him, delivered his first sermon after arriving in Madinah, he instructed the Muslims as follows: "Introduce among yourselves the practice of Salam." On its importance the following hadith sheds more light: "You cannot enter Paradise unless you are believers. And this status you cannot achieve unless you have mutual love. Should I not identify for you something which would infuse mutual love among you? This is to spread greetings amongst you." (Mishkat)
While enumerating the obligations due to fellow Muslims the Prophet clarified that on meeting one another Muslims should say Salam. He urged Muslims to take the lead in offering greetings, stating: "The one initiating Salam is free from pride and arrogance." He also remarked: "Allah's mercy is on those who initiate Salam." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud)
The Prophet made a point of greeting others first whenever he passed by them. He would greet everyone, men, women or children. He pressed home the point thus: "When you meet your brethren, you should greet them. If you get separated by a tree or a wall, you should again greet as you come face to face again." (Abu Dawud) He exhorted his family members to initiate Salam. He told Anas: "O son, you should say Salam as you enter your house. It will bring blessings to you and your family members." (Tirmidhi)
Greetings can only enhance mutual love, provided they are performed with conscious effort. For greetings signify one's sincere wish for the other person's welfare. The same cannot, however, be said of the ritual Salam, as it is practised now, for it obviously does not contribute to love.
Compiled From:
"Inter Personal Relations" - Khurram Murad, pp. 42, 43

Cool Concepts!
Powerful Life
When you study the lives of all great achievers - those who have had the greatest influence on others, those who have made significant contributions, those who have simply made things happen - you will find a pattern. Through their persistent efforts and inner struggle, they have greatly expanded their four native human intelligence or capacities. The highest manifestations of these four intelligences are: for the mental, vision; for the physical, discipline; for the emotional, passion; for the spiritual, conscience. These manifestations also represent our highest means of expressing our voice.
Vision is seeing with the mind's eye what is possible in people, in projects, in causes and in enterprises. Vision results when our mind joins need with possibility. When people have no vision, when they neglect the development of the mind's capacity to create, they fall prey to the human tendency toward victimism.
Discipline is paying the price to bring that vision into reality. It is dealing with the hard, pragmatic, brutal facts of reality and doing what it takes to make things happen. Discipline arises when vision joins with commitment. The opposite of discipline and the commitment that inspires sacrifice is indulgence - sacrificing what matters most in life for the pleasure or thrill of the moment.
Passion is the fire, the desire, the strength of conviction and the drive that sustains the discipline to achieve the vision. Passion arises when human need overlaps unique human talent. When one does not have the passion that flows from finding and using one's voice to serve great purposes, the void is filled with insecurity and the empty chatter of a thousand voices. In relationship and organizational settings, passion includes compassion.
Conscience is the inward moral sense of what is right what is wrong, the drive toward meaning and contribution. It is the guiding force to vision, discipline and passion. It stands in stark contrast to the life dominated by ego.
Compiled From:
"The 8th Habit" - Stephen R. Covey, pp. 65, 66

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Nature Principal

Ever notice how some things keep popping up in your life? First I read this excellent post about Richard Louv's other book Last Child in the Woods on this blog and then in the mail I got my issue of Paradise Found from the Royal Botanical Gardens here in Ontario, Canada which mentions his second book The Nature Principal. The author is also going to be making an appearance at RBG this month. I've yet to read either of these books but you'd be preaching to the choir anyway. The sad thing in southern Ontario is that so much of the forests have been chopped down for farming and cities that it is a little depressing no make that a lot depressing and its hard to connect with nature. Northern Ontario where I grew up is awesome though. I try to get my kids into nature but its not enough by any stretch and in no way compares with my upbringing. I believe its a need for humans to commune with nature and get closer to our creator and we do a disservice to ourselves by shaving the trees off our landscapes and continuously building without any thought to this or to the future of our children and grandchildren.

15 Reasons Not to Waste Your Life

Here is a great article from SoundVision. Take heed.

15 Reasons Not to Waste Your Life!

by Sound Vision Staffwriter

We all feel bad "wasting" time. We realize time spent on trivial things makes us lazy and unproductive. However, many of us fail to visualize the long-term consequences of killing time on futile matters, both in this world and the world that awaits us.
The following words of wisdom will help us appreciate how the most productive and influential leaders and scholars of Islam valued time.
1          Time can't return. Whatever time passes by will not return and cannot be replaced.
Imam Ibn al-Jawzi used to say, "The breaths of man are his steps to death!". Moreover, Imam Ash-Shafiee would say, "Time is like a Sword. Cut it (wisely), before it cuts you!" Therefore, kill your time productively, before it kills you!

2       Boxes are sealed. A teacher used the following analogy of boxes: Each hour is like a box that is sealed and placed in a shelf. On the Day of Judgement, these boxes (24 boxes/per day) will be opened and their contents will be displayed to us.

If we filled each hour of our day in life with good deeds, we will rejoice. If we filled these hours with useless amusements and sins, we will regret to see the contents of the boxes on that Day. How we fill them these 24 boxes every day is our choice. Only we have control over it. Once they are sealed as the day ends, only Allah has the keys to unlock them on the Day of Judgment.

3          The most priceless possession of man: life itself. An Imam used to remind his students, "Time is not just money. It is more expensive than gold, diamonds and pearls. Time is life itself!"

Hassan al
Basri: "O son of Adam! You are but a bundle of days. As each day passes away, a portion of you vanishes away." Can we afford to lose a portion of our body or soul everyday to hellfire through wastage of time on useless and un-Islamic things?

4            Accountability of youth and life. We will be asked about our youth and life on the Day of Judgment, both of which are related to time.

The Prophet, peace be upon him, warned us, "Man shall not be let go or discharged on the Day of Judgement until he has been questioned about FOUR things:
1- with regard to his Life: how did he spend it?
2- with regard to his Youth: in what ways did he expend it?
3- with regard to his Wealth: where did he earn it from and what did he spend it on?
4- with regard to his Knowledge: what use did he put it to?"

(Al-Bazzar and At-Tabarani)

Waste Life5          Better to be stingy with wasting time. Hassan al Basri, a renowned follower of the Companions, once said, "I have lived with a people who were more stingy with their time than you people are with your money."

6            Idle Person: A sign of Allah's dislike. Imam Ibn Qayyim stated, "One of the many signs that one is disliked by Allah is the wasting of his or her time." Allah allows a person who is neglectful of His message to be involved in activities that are worthless.

7             Disrespect to Time. Productive Muslims of the past would consider it disrespect to time, if they spent a day without doing any thing beneficial to their community or to themselves. One of them would say, "I do not regret anything as much as I regret a day in which my good actions have not increased."

8             Procrastination and Laziness are dangerous! We are not sure whether we will live until tomorrow to be able to do something good. Even if we live till tomorrow, are we certain that there won't be any obstacles in carrying out that action. Why putt off something good to an abyss of uncertainty? If we procrastinate and waste time today, what will motivate us to spend time productively tomorrow?

9         Ungratefulness to Allah's gift. Leisure and spare time are blessings from Allah which we grossly undervalue today. As the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, reminded us, "Good health and spare time are two of the blessings of Allah with respect to which many people are deceived." (Al-Bukhari)

10           Lose time, Lose peace.  Some pious scholars used to say that those people who kill their time in unproductive ways would lose peace and serenity from their hearts. They would be so overwhelmed with work deadlines and harmful amusements of this life that they would rarely have time to spend with their family, in remembering Allah, and on causes that matter- the real source of tranquility or sakina in life.

11             Ready for tomorrow? Let's remember the old Muslim adage, "Work for your world as if you are going to live forever and work for your hereafter as if you are going to die tomorrow."

12           Productivity shouldn't die with our death.  We should not miss any opportunity to do a good deed even if the world is ending. We are asked to be productive and optimistic even in times of crisis and chaos.

Prophet Muhammad said, "If the day of judgement is about to happen and one of you has a seedling in his hands, he should go ahead and plant that before he is overwhelmed by the day." (Hadith)

13            Return Allah's Trust. Time is a trust from Allah, it is our responsibility to use it in the most effective way pleasing to Allah. We all know how difficult and embarrassing it is to face someone, for instance our parent or teacher, after we break their trust by disobeying their instructions. How would we face Allah if we break His trust?

14            Being Productive is Sunnah (Prophetic tradition). As the Prophet advised us, "Every day, for every joint in the body a person should perform a charity; reconciling between two brothers is charity; helping somebody lift his baggage is charity; every step you take towards Salaah is charity; and every time you remove something harmful from the way is charity. (Bukhari and Muslim). This is how the Prophet, peace be upon him, encouraged us to fill our time with such productive acts.

15            Prophet's Time Management: This is how Prophet Muammad, peace and blessings buwould plan his day:
- He would divide his day into three parts: (1) for his family, (2) for spirituality and Ibadah (worship), usually a time in seclusion at night, and (3) for personal and social affairs (majority of this time would be spent dealing with people's problems, overseeing, educating, and mobilizing his community).

Tips on How to be Ultra Productive

  1. Write down what needs to be accomplished – Use paper, not mind to store this info. Leave your brain for ideas and thinking. Reduces stress.
  2. Break tasks down into the smallest unit possible – Determine the next action step. Start Now!
  3. Set Milestones & Reward yourself – Let others know about your deadlines to hold yourself accountable
  4. Prepare your environment for productivity
  5. Use your most productive hours for your most important tasks.
  6. Start with the quickest/easiest tasks first – If something takes 2-5 minutes to complete, do it right away.
  7. Only work on one task a time - no emailing, MSN messenger, or calling.
  8. Organize life on a daily and weekly basis - Treat each day as unique.Plan similar activities around the same time/on same days
  9. Carve out time for non-urgent activities- Check your emails/voice messages 3 times a day. Fix time for regular chores.
  10. Be flexible- Be willing to accommodate unexpected things for others and for Allah. Learn to negotiate with yourself.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Eid Mubarak

Eid Mubarak, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-adha !

How was your first day of Eid? Our family went to the masjid for the prayers but ds1 and dd1 were overseas and dd2 was out of town so we missed them. This year like last year we were all matchy-matchy.  After the prayer we traveled to another city to the grand opening of my friend's halal slaughterhouse. There we enjoyed a bbq and a bouncy castle and most importantly the company of many wonderful convert friends and their families under a big tent. Then we picked up dd2 and were on our way to GTA for a Malaysian/ Singaporean open house. So in one day we celebrated eid in 3 places! Today was quite boring but alhumdullilah for yesterday.  May Allah bless all the Muslims in all 3 places and around the world. Amin.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pomegranate Stew

I made this Iranian stew finally, its been on my list of things to make for a long time. I really liked its subtle, sweet flavour. I halved the amount of pomegranate juice to save money and used water for the second half but if I make it again I will use the full amount insha Allah to improve the taste.


  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 1/2 pounds chicken legs, cut up
  • 1 white onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 pound walnuts, toasted and finely ground in a food processor
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 cups pomegranate juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (optional)


  1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Place chicken and onions in skillet, and cook 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Mix in pureed walnuts, salt, pomegranate juice, and cardamom. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 1 1/2 hours, stirring occasionally. (If the sauce becomes too thick, stir in 1/4 cup warm water.) Mix in sugar, adjust seasoning, and simmer 30 minutes more.

Friday, November 4, 2011

When Life give you soda water.....

Make sangria! I bought soda water intending to make this recipe but after reading all the instructions I decided to ditch it. I had just been reading Sisters Magazine (August edition) and came across a recipe that needed soda water. It was fruity sangria. I didn't have all the ingredients so I adapted it. I did have grape juice though ( you will need 2 L), I used Welch's  which is my favourite, then I had 1 L of soda water, then slices of mandarin oranges, I didn't have lemons or limes but I used lemon juice and because I had no grapes I used cherries. I also had no peaches.Give this a try for eid maybe.

Friday Nasihah

Living The Quran
The First House
Al Imran (The House of Imran) - Chapter 3: Verses 96-97
"The first House [of worship] ever set up for mankind was indeed the one at Bakkah: rich in blessing, and a source of guidance to all the worlds, full of clear messages. It is the place whereon Abraham once stood; and whoever enters it finds inner peace. Pilgrimage to this House is a duty owed to God by all people who are able to undertake it. As for those who disbelieve, God does not stand in need of anything in all the worlds."
It was in Makka (Bakkah) that Abraham (Ibrahim) and his son built the Holy Kaba, the centre of the Islamic movement, on a site chosen by Allah himself. This building was not intended for worship only, as mosques are; its purpose was to act as the centre for spreading the universal movement of Islam, a world-wide gathering point for believers in the One God to assemble to worship Allah in congregation and go back to their respective countries carrying with them the message of Islam. This was the assembly which was named Hajj.
Peace always reigned in and around the Kaba, when all around it were rampant plunder, murder, devastation, conflict, and warfare - such was its sanctity that even the Bedouins who respected no law, if they detected in its precincts the murderer of even their father, did not dare to touch him.
These verses establish the obligation of performing Hajj. There are many Hadiths that mention it as one of the pillars of Islam and this is agreed upon by the Muslims. Pilgrimage is a personal obligation on every individual once in a lifetime, and it becomes due when the conditions of ability are fulfilled, including physical health, ability to travel and safe passage.
Pilgrimage is the Muslims' annual general assembly which is held at the House from which their message was given to them for the first time, and which witnessed the birth of the pure faith of Abraham, their first father, and which was the first House God has set up on earth for His own worship. Pilgrimage is, therefore, an assembly of great significance. Its historical associations centre around the noble concept of faith, which highlights the link between man and his Creator. It is a worthy concept to form the basis for human unity. Hence, it is appropriate that people should assemble every year at the Sacred Place which witnessed the birth of this call to mankind to unite on pure faith.
Compiled From:
"Let Us Be Muslims" - Sayyid Abul Ala Mawdudi, p. 250
"In the Shade of the Quran" - Sayyid Qutb, Vol 2, pp. 152-153

Understanding the Prophet's Life
Farewell Sermon

On the ninth day of Dhul-Hijja in the tenth year of hijrah, the Prophet (peace be upon him) addressed 144,000 pilgrims on the Mount of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah). He spoke in short portions, and men around him repeated his words so that everyone throughout the valley could hear his speech.
The content of the message was powerful and intense, and the Prophet began by stating that he did not know whether he would again meet the pilgrims "in this place after this year." Then he reminded them of the sacred character of the place and month, as well as of that of their lives, their honour, and their belongings. He explained that the period of ignorance had come to an end, and so had its practices, its rivalries, and its conflicts based on power and profit. Henceforth, all Muslims were united by faith, fraternity, and love, which were to transform them into witnesses of Islam's message. They must under no circumstances accept being "either oppressors or oppressed." They were to learn of the equality of all people in front of God and the necessary humility because "you all descend from Adam and Adam was created from dirt. The most noble in the sight of God is the most pious. No Arab is superior to a non-Arab, except by their intimate consciousness of God [piety]." The Prophet reminded all the Muslims to treat their wives gently and added: "Be intimately conscious of God as regards women, and strive to be good to them." Then he added, as if to show the Way and its conditions to all the faithful present and all those who were to follow his teachings through the ages: "I have left among you what will, if you keep to it firmly, preserve you from error: clear guidance, the Book of God and His Prophet's tradition." After each teaching he reminded them of, the Prophet added: "Have I conveyed the Message? O God, be my witness!" At the end of the sermon, the pilgrims answered: "We bear witness that you have faithfully conveyed the message, that you have fulfilled your mission, and that you have given your community good advice." Then the Prophet concluded: "O God, be my witness! ... And let whoever is present convey this message to whoever is absent."
The Prophet was indeed a witness in front of the spiritual community of Muslims. In communion with them, at the heart of the pilgrimage - which itself requires simplicity and the unity of human beings before their Creator - the Messenger recalled the essential point in the One's message: the absolute equality of human beings before God, regardless of race, social class, or gender, for the only thing that distinguishes them lies in what they do with themselves, with their intelligence, their qualities, and most of all their heart. Wherever they come from, whether they are Arabs or not; whatever their color, black, white, or any other; whatever their social status, rich or poor; whether they are men or women, human beings stand out by the attention they show their heart, their spiritual education, the control of the ego, and the blossoming of faith, dignity, goodness, nobleness of soul, and, for coherence's sake, commitment among their fellow human beings in the name of their principles.
Compiled From:
"In The Footsteps of The Prophet" - Tariq Ramadan, pp.196, 197

Allah is Greatest
llahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la il Llaha il Allah!
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa li Llah il-Hamd!

Allah is Greatest, Allah is Greatest! This is neither in vain nor in jest, but it is meant to implant in the hearts of the believers the essence of this religion: the fact that Allah is One, Eternally Supreme, and He is Above anything else!
Allah is Greatest! His Might is above all psychological crises that overwhelm people, no matter how extensive these woes and crises are. Even if they become mountainous to the extent of encompassing the whole earth and engulfing all souls, and no matter how overwhelming people's calamities are, nothing can relieve them of these crises except faith in "Allahu Akbar!"
Allah is Greatest! He is Greater than all temporal lusts that disseminate mischief in the earth, spread chaos in society, and tear apart people's friendship, cooperation, and solidarity. Nothing can curb these lusts except the belief in "Allahu Akbar!"
Allah is Greatest! He is Greater than all tyrants who enslave the helpless people and infringe upon their rights, for they are weak and powerless. Nothing can set these affairs in order except the belief in "Allahu Akbar!"
O you Muslims who declare in your prayers, your 'Eids, and your calls to heaven your true belief in "Allahu Akbar"! Never faint, nor grieve, nor despair, nor weaken, nor give in. Surely, the earth is Allah's, it does not belong to anyone. He, Almighty, gives it for an inheritance to whom He wills amongst His servants, and the best end is for those who keep their duty to Him, not for the traitors, nor for the aggressors, nor for the tyrants, nor for the oppressors. Be confident in the fulfillment of Allah's promise, for He never breaks His promise.
Compiled From:
"Allahu Akbar" - Hasan al-Banna

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kobo Vox - a better choice for Canadians

Ok, I told you about the Kindle Fire but the streaming it has is only for Americans so even if you cross the border and buy it, you can't get the content. So instead take a look at the Kobo Vox which offers all its contents to Canadians. I don't care for the name of this one but who cares as long as it caters to Canadians..hey we're people too you know. I love how you can talk to other people about the same book...imagine me finally finding people who are reading what I'm reading....oh joy, oh bliss. Ok for Eid I'd rather have a Kobo Vox!

Fundraising For a Muslim Convert -Nov 18-GTA

I just heard about this woman and now I'm reading about her again in the Muslim Review that I got from the bazaar. For those of you in the GTA who can attend this function perhaps you can help this new muslim sister. I will re-print what the Review wrote.

Fundraising Awareness

Please support our sister in medical need. Sr. Nour is a new muslimah that has been afflicted for many years with Temporo-mandibular Joint Disorder (TJD), a painful condition which makes it difficult to eat, sleep or even  perform basic tasks. Sr. Nour is scheduled to undergo a surgery in March 2012 in California. This surgery will cost about $80,000 and is not covered by OHIP.
How Can you help?  By joining us at TAIMA Indoor Play Centre for a family event. Donate from Allah's bounty that he had entrusted you with,toward her surgery costs.
Family and Kids Event @ TAIMA INDOOR PLAY CENTRE
3450 Ridgeway Drive, Unit 10 Mississauga, On L5L 0A2
Friday November 18,2011 at 6pm-9pm 
Adult $25/ Child $10/under 1 yr Free *includes dinner.
Ticket Purchase Deadline - Sat Nov 12
For more info please call Khadeeja; 905-804-1420 or Jessica: 905-499-1487

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Palace In the Old Village

This is what I'm reading now, its from the library and someone is actually waiting for it. I'm only on page 30 but I really like the style and hope to finish it today. I really should be finishing whoops starting last month's club choice but this is overdue and must be read. Anyone else read this? Its about a father who lives and works in France and wants to go back to Morocco and retire there...and bring his kids. I want to see how the story unfolds.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dua For Entering a City

Here is the dua the Prophet Muhammad (saw) made when entering any town or city. I thought it was very beautiful and its another one that my Quran teacher shared with me.

Upon Entering A City
Upon entering a city, the Prophet (S) recited the following:
اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم بارك لنا فيها, اللهم ارزقنا جناها, اللهم حببنا الى اهلها وحبب صالح اهلها الينا
'Allahumma bariklaana feeha, Allahumma bariklaana feeha, Allahumma bariklaana feeha. Allahuma arzuqna Janaha, Allahuma habbibna eela ahleeha wa habbib salihee ahleeha eelaina.'
(O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, bless us in it. O Allah, grant us sustenance from its fruits, put our love in the hearts of its people, and put the love of the righteous people in our hearts.) (Attabarani)

November Book Club reminder

Heaven Under Your Feet is the book club choice for this month. Insha Allah all you mothers will join me this month in reading this selection. Everyone else is welcome too. ;)