Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What would it take to get you to join?

So the bookclub is looking a little dead. I know some of you live in places that don't have these books but for the rest of you what would get you to join the bookclub? If its a financial problem I know that a lot of the books can be accessed at the library or through inter-library loan or you can even ask the library to purchase them for you...I shamelessly do this all the time..hey its taxpayers money right? What are your thoughts? Loved to see  you reading and sharing your thoughts.


  1. ASA - I'm just waiting on school to be finished. Give me to June...I'll be right on there with you!

  2. Wa alaikum Salaam

    Hurray! The book for June is: Visibly Muslim.

    Insha Allah can't wait to discuss it with you.

  3. hmm...I wonder if we could start it up over at my International Hijabi Posse Blog ('m sure there would be more readers there. Would you mind?

  4. Asalaamu Alaikum

    How would that work exactly? I'm a little territorial ;)

  5. well -- perhaps we can get them to come here to post. I've got them getting ready to read the book and then what I'll do is just follow your lead...with a link back here. We'll see if it works or not....Insha'Allah it does!

  6. Ok that sounds good, insha Allah.
