Thursday, June 30, 2011
February 2012 Book Club Choice- I Shall Not Hate
I've heard about this book before but forgot about it until I saw it mentioned in Canadian Living. This man has been through so much but still holds on to his dream of peace. Amazing, so I think we can all be inspired by I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey.
July 2011 Book Club Pick reminder
Tomorrow is Canada Day! Its also time to start reading the new book for July. Anyone going to join me this month?
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
My New Veilkini Bathing Suit
I got my new Veilkini Bathing suit from AlSharifa! Yes I got another one today and its in my favourite colour; purple.Its called;
For my daughter (dd3) who is 11, I'm thinking to get her the Malibu. These are good for tweens.
Thinking of getting one too but you're not sure? Read my review here. If you like what you see/read then order one and don't forget to use the code shoe10 to save 10%.
LAGUNA Swimsuit : Plum / Grape
I waited a long time for them to come out with one in this colour. So glad the strike is over so I can enjoy it this summer. I like this one even more because the side of the shirt and pants comes with clips instead of just a tie and also the bottom of the legs can be made tighter.For my daughter (dd3) who is 11, I'm thinking to get her the Malibu. These are good for tweens.
Thinking of getting one too but you're not sure? Read my review here. If you like what you see/read then order one and don't forget to use the code shoe10 to save 10%.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Postal Strike is Over
So here in Canada we are finally supposed to get mail. The US has been holding back any mail from there so stuff from there should take awhile. Alhumdullilah Shukr doesn't use Canada post or I would still not have my dresses. I can't wait to get some things in the mail again. How about you? Did you get anything today? Did you finally mail something out? Did you turn to couriers? Email? I kept getting calls from companies telling me I could pay my bills online during the strike. How much did the strike affect you? For poor souls like me in little towns it a big bother as we couldn't get any packages all this time or order anything either. Small places like this really rely on the postal service.
Last Weekend
My kids had a school trip on Friday to Canada's Wonderland so we all went. I don't really like rides so I don't enjoy it much. I was really tired too and had to take a nap! I did get to go in the wave pool though in my Veilkini from Alsharifa (if you want one don't forget to use code shoe10 to save 10%). The lifeguard though said they had a policy that if you are wearing long clothes then it is difficult to swim and therefore you need to wear a lifejacket. Are you kidding me? Its not difficult at all to swim in this bathing suit. Its so lightweight. The lifejacket was a pain and ruined everything and I couldn't swim properly in it and it kept floating up to my chin and choking me so I unbuckled it. I really wanted to throw it away. I'm not impressed with this policy at all. I remember years ago I swam at WaterWorld and I didn't even have an islamic bathing suit then just jeans and a long shirt and they never made me wear a lifejacket and I had so much fun! My daughters were ticked off with their ridiculous policy too.
On Saturday we went to Chinatown and then to the rock garden at Royal Botanical Gardens. We had missed that during the last trip. It was so lovely in the rock garden with beautiful views and encircling paths and benches everywhere. Little chipmunks were everywhere and they were so friendly. My kids saw a turtle and we also saw a snake. I could stay there all day. Wish my backyard were like that! This time we actually saw two muslim families!
On Sunday we went to the Muslim Womenpreneur bazaar and then on the way home we stopped off to eat at a restaurant we've never been to before. It is a halal Thai restaurant called Thai Cuisine Experts. It was my first time to eat Thai food (never could find a halal one before) and it tasted great. I loved the chicken fried rice and chicken pad Thai. How I wish though that there were Chinese and Vietnamese halal restaurants.
So how was your weekend?
On Saturday we went to Chinatown and then to the rock garden at Royal Botanical Gardens. We had missed that during the last trip. It was so lovely in the rock garden with beautiful views and encircling paths and benches everywhere. Little chipmunks were everywhere and they were so friendly. My kids saw a turtle and we also saw a snake. I could stay there all day. Wish my backyard were like that! This time we actually saw two muslim families!
On Sunday we went to the Muslim Womenpreneur bazaar and then on the way home we stopped off to eat at a restaurant we've never been to before. It is a halal Thai restaurant called Thai Cuisine Experts. It was my first time to eat Thai food (never could find a halal one before) and it tasted great. I loved the chicken fried rice and chicken pad Thai. How I wish though that there were Chinese and Vietnamese halal restaurants.
So how was your weekend?
January 2012 book club pick
The first book for 2012 will be a reader's choice called Mom I'm a Muslim. Before it was only available on kindle but now I see you can get hardcopies. This looks like a great read about a male convert.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Muslim Womenpreneurs
Did any of my readers go yesterday? I met the woman who sells Sisters Magazine.(Bilqees Quick I got the latest two issues. I also bought some soap from Be-licious ( and then my son (ds2) won some more in the draw. Then I got some honey products from NutraB; Safa and Buzz Off. My daughter (dd3) won a hijab in the draw and that was so nice masha Allah because she has just started wearing hijab. The kids got to see Dora and a clown made them some baloon figures. Dd4 asked for a sword, she's such a tomboy. Some other people asked for it as well after her and she was quite angry that they copied her, lol. One of the best parts of the day was eating Lasagna from Kara Mia! Since the event was held in the mosque we simply strolled over and did our prayers. Also since the mosque has a book store I went there too and got some books and movies. They really need to update it though as it is totally inaccessible to strollers and wheelchairs. This event was raising money for muslims with disabilities ( and mosques really need to think about these obstacles. My daughter Handmade Beginnings had a booth that she shared with Smart Ark. She was selling her Ramadan countdown calendars and crayon holders and placemats.
I enjoyed myself but I wish there had been more variety in the booths as many were repetitive. Did anyone buy the cupcakes? I found them quite expensive, but like the name, they were cute (socute! creations 416-995-6131 HugYo was there but came a little late. I already bought two jilbabs from them at RIS though.
So did you go? What did you buy? What did you think? Did you meet anyone interesting? I met a sister who is originally from Quebec and a convert like me, who was selling vitamins. Not sure if any of them could help me but she said she would keep in touch. Insha Allah the honey will do the trick.
I enjoyed myself but I wish there had been more variety in the booths as many were repetitive. Did anyone buy the cupcakes? I found them quite expensive, but like the name, they were cute (socute! creations 416-995-6131 HugYo was there but came a little late. I already bought two jilbabs from them at RIS though.
So did you go? What did you buy? What did you think? Did you meet anyone interesting? I met a sister who is originally from Quebec and a convert like me, who was selling vitamins. Not sure if any of them could help me but she said she would keep in touch. Insha Allah the honey will do the trick.
Funny Orangutan Book
Just recently heard about this book and I thought it was so funny! My son loves orangutans. I should get this book for him. Can you believe such a friendship could happen?
Friday Nasihah - Personal Effort, Traveling Alone, Elite and Commonality
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Sunday, June 19, 2011
My Sad News
We don't celebrate Father's Day but if we did it would be the saddest Father's Day ever. I was pregnant for number 11 but I've been miscarrying over these past few days. I have never miscarried before. I don't know if its old age or all the stress in my life including my undetermined illness. Allahu alim. Inna ilaihi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.
Friday Nasihah - Working for Living,Relating to Neighbours,Accountability
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Guantanamo Guard Converts
This is a little old but I thought it was interesting and it also mentions James Yee, a Muslim army chaplain, who we will be reading about in September for the book club. It makes you realize that people can convert in the most strangest circumstances and be the most unlikely people you would expect to convert.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Summer Is Around the Corner
In a few days summer will be upon us. What can you do to beat the heat? Try this dessert on our family cooking blog posted by my daughter; Strawberry Oreo Ice cream cake.
Or check out my review for the Veilkini and get yours today and one for your daughter or niece or friend or wife! Use code Shoe10 to recei ve 10% off.
Also this summer why not join our book club. For June the book is Of Hijab and Hockey ,if you are not too busy with the hockey playoffs, for July its Just 5 Minutes, 9 Years in the Prisons of Syria and for August/Ramadan its The Marvels of the Heart: Science of the Spirit.
Also remember to go to MuslimFest, Muslim Day at Canada's Wonderland, Muslim Womenpreneur at ISNA, Journey of Faith and Muslim Day at Ontario Place. Also when you are out and about remember to pray. Canada's Wonderland has a multifaith centre with a wudu station and two prayer rooms. Its close to the mountain. Have fun but don't forget Allah.
Or check out my review for the Veilkini and get yours today and one for your daughter or niece or friend or wife! Use code Shoe10 to recei ve 10% off.
Also this summer why not join our book club. For June the book is Of Hijab and Hockey ,if you are not too busy with the hockey playoffs, for July its Just 5 Minutes, 9 Years in the Prisons of Syria and for August/Ramadan its The Marvels of the Heart: Science of the Spirit.
Also remember to go to MuslimFest, Muslim Day at Canada's Wonderland, Muslim Womenpreneur at ISNA, Journey of Faith and Muslim Day at Ontario Place. Also when you are out and about remember to pray. Canada's Wonderland has a multifaith centre with a wudu station and two prayer rooms. Its close to the mountain. Have fun but don't forget Allah.
Islamic Perspectives on Prayers and Coping with Sickness
I saw this book on my daughter's shelf and grabbed it. I've been having medical issues which are still not properly diagnosed and therefore not treated so I continue to experience symptoms. On the back of the book in the description it says : This valuable book is all about ibadaat (prayers), under stressful conditions of the sick, and seeking healing from the One who heals.
Many topics are covered in this book concerning following the pillars of Islam while sick or in the hospital or both, ayats and duas, questions about different health conditions, questions about different cures and surgeries, halal and haram etc.
This book was published by ISNA in 2002. Insha Allah it can purchased from their bookstore. Anyone sick or dealing with the sick should have a copy of this book.
The author is Amjad R. M. Syed.
Amjad R. M. Syed has a B.Sc. (Agriculture) and an R.T. (Clinical Chemistry). He migrated to Canada from Bangalore India in 1965. He worked as a Medical Technologist at Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto for 30 years. After participating at the Dundas St mosque, he was a founding member of the Islamic Foundation. He has pioneered Muslim volunteer work at Toronto’s hospitals, being the Founding Coordinator, Hospital Patients Visiting Service & Chair, Funeral Committee for Islamic Society of North America – Canada. He developed a language program for non-English speaking patients in 26 world languages at Trillium Hospital. He has received numerous awards, including the Community Service Awards from the Islamic Society of North America and the Canadian Islamic Congress; the Hajj trip award by Muslim World League in Canada and the President’s Gold Leaf Award by Trillium Health Centre Mississauga. He is the author of Islamic Perspectives on Prayers and Coping with Sickness, published by ISNA Canada, 2002.
Amjad is married and has three children.
Many topics are covered in this book concerning following the pillars of Islam while sick or in the hospital or both, ayats and duas, questions about different health conditions, questions about different cures and surgeries, halal and haram etc.
This book was published by ISNA in 2002. Insha Allah it can purchased from their bookstore. Anyone sick or dealing with the sick should have a copy of this book.
The author is Amjad R. M. Syed.
Amjad R. M. Syed has a B.Sc. (Agriculture) and an R.T. (Clinical Chemistry). He migrated to Canada from Bangalore India in 1965. He worked as a Medical Technologist at Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto for 30 years. After participating at the Dundas St mosque, he was a founding member of the Islamic Foundation. He has pioneered Muslim volunteer work at Toronto’s hospitals, being the Founding Coordinator, Hospital Patients Visiting Service & Chair, Funeral Committee for Islamic Society of North America – Canada. He developed a language program for non-English speaking patients in 26 world languages at Trillium Hospital. He has received numerous awards, including the Community Service Awards from the Islamic Society of North America and the Canadian Islamic Congress; the Hajj trip award by Muslim World League in Canada and the President’s Gold Leaf Award by Trillium Health Centre Mississauga. He is the author of Islamic Perspectives on Prayers and Coping with Sickness, published by ISNA Canada, 2002.
Amjad is married and has three children.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Halal Baby Food
Just heard of this new halal baby food. Its dried though. I've never tried it as my youngest is too old now for that. There's another new thing out too. You can make your own baby food with the Baby Bullet. Or a cheaper option is to use a grinder.
Store Desserts to make at home
Two of my favourite desserts that I always buy at the store were featured in two different magazines, so I thought I'd share them. Its always good to make your own since its fresher and healthier and your store might run out!
From Chatelaine magazine I found Streusel Crunch Blueberry Muffins. From Taste of Home I found Instant Chocolate Pastries.
From Chatelaine magazine I found Streusel Crunch Blueberry Muffins. From Taste of Home I found Instant Chocolate Pastries.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Plastic Planet
A couple of nights ago we watched Plastic Planet. We know we are surrounded by plastic but do we know the effects? We learned that plastic is in our blood streams and that it is causing infertility. We learned yet again about how it is hurting wildlife ie birds feeding bits of plastic to their babies and about them dying from it. We learned about how it is having an effect on the ratio of girls to boys which I did know before and can witness right before my eyes. Plastic is everywhere and part of everything. In the show they told people to take out all the plastic stuff they have outside to see how much they have. People were surprised at how much they had even in 3rd world countries. This documentary is very eye-opening. Sit down with your family and be educated and informed. Great for discussions afterwards.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Dresses as jilbabs.
I know its a bit unorthodox but with this summer heat I've decided to wear dresses as jilbabs. These 100% cotton dresses are perfect as they are lightweight and cool. Choose them in light colours and you are even cooler. People wear abayas as their top layer so its pretty much the same thing. In fact most abayas are even thinner than dresses. Anyone else use dresses as an option in the summer? Here and here are two new ones I've added to my wardrobe. Shukr has added some new jilbabs too. I'm pleased that they are making thier jilbabs a lot more edgy now. If you like what you see, click on my shukr ad on the right side of my blog to order. :)
Friday Nasihah - Righteous Stones, Voluntary Deeds, Clear Expectations
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Of Hockey and Hijab - an interview with Sheema Khan
This month's book club choice is Of Hockey and Hijab. Here is a little taste of it.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Two Mennonite Novels
Irma Voth: A Novel
This post is for my Mennonite turned Muslim friend. I saw these two novels; Irma Voth and A Complicated Kindness, featured in Chatelaine and thought of her. Do I have any other Mennonite readers or former ones? Nevertheless these look like interesting books for anyone to read.
Learn French Together
This is another activity set the school let us borrow. It comes with 3 books which you use to follow along with the cd set. Each page teaches new simple vocabulary and there are activities to do on each page if you choose to like making an alphabet soup or a maracca. Dd4 easily followed along and enjoyed it.
New Stripes
On the weekend ds2 and ds3 were tested and recieved their blue stripes on thier green belts. Next step is blue belts. Dd3 and ds4 have dropped out for the time being but I hope they come back. Dd4 comes once in a blue moon so not enough to get more stripes on her white belt. Ds5 doesn't come anymore. As for me I wish I could have tested for my yellow belt but with my leg problems not to mention my broken toe it was out of the question.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Wedding Essence
Did you know Sketched Soul's mom makes cakes? They look so professional and yummy! If you are in the GTA and need a cake then check out this site. I could eat the chocolate icing cupcake off the screen! She even made a mosque cake. Sketched Soul makes knitted cupcakes that can be used to store your hijab pins or needles. So cute! I first saw them at RIS and recently gave one to my arabic teacher as a gift. She sells them on her etsy shop but none are available currently. Convo her to make some for you but if you are really hungry contact her mom. :)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Al-Quaida Cake
Long before Sept 11. everyone knew that Al-quaida meant the little booklet muslims used to learn how to read the Quran. Since my arabic teacher is going away for a few months I decided to make a cake in her honour; an al-quaida cake. I used the book pan from Wilton and tip number 5 for the arabic letters. It takes 3 cakes to fill this pan! Everyone liked it and it was a really fun project to make and share!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Sura Al-Kahf
Friday is the day to recite sura al-kahf. Do you know it? Do you recite it? You can download a copy here for only 89 cents. :)
Friday Nasihah - Forever Young
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Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June Book Club Pick 2011 - Of Hockey and Hijab
Its June boys and girls! Time to be reading Of Hockey and Hijab. A little out of season but still relevant anytime of the year here in good ol' Canada where hockey never dies! She shoots, she scores!
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