Don't worry I'm not gonna to ask you to exercise actually something worse in my book; cook! This is a contest for women like me who hate cooking. I am challenging you to cook supper every night for one week and blog about it; I'm talking pics and recipes gals. Are you up for it? Hard core cooks need not apply. The prize at the end is The International Islamic cookbook. The cover features a mosque in Malaysia and yes there are a few Malaysian recipes but there really should be more. It just goes to show how few Malaysians there are in Canada. If you are interested in this book and you don't win or don't qualify you can still buy it here and the money goes to charity to help abused women. So ladies put on your aprons and start your ovens!
ugh...I hate cooking. I hate it. I really, really, hate it.
ReplyDeleteBut -- if I don't, who will?? Did I mention that I hate cooking??
I can try -- TRY to cook meals that don't consist of side kicks and frozen bits. I'll try.
Ya Allah -- why did I have to be a person who can't turn down a challenge???
Yay I have a cooking buddy. I'll be torturing myself this week too.
ReplyDeleteOh I just realized I was sexist..shame on me. If there are any men out there who hate cooking then feel free to cook and blog away!
ReplyDeletelol! Sexist.. bah! My post is up for preparation...and I already have a plan in place for tonight's dinner. Now, to pull out the chicken so it's not frozen 10 minutes before I realize I need to start cooking.
I'd love to see men cook for a week as a challenge! It would be a great learning experience.
ReplyDeleteHow do you get by? I end up cooking by default unless we have left overs.
You know I always forget to post anonymously on your blog, because I will write a lot, then loose it because I am not logged into wordpress from the start.... Grrrr! This is my second go.
My husband does the lion's share of the cooking. Masha Allah,alhumdullilah.I cook once or twice a week and my daughter about once a week too. She wants to become a chef though unlike me..talk about teenage rebellion or maybe she takes after her dad.
ReplyDeleteI've sat down and written down my 7 day menu..whew..
ReplyDeleteIt's hard work! I tried menu planning... It's too much with the changing variables. I'd like it to be easy, inshallah when my car gets fixed and I can guarantee ingredients.
ReplyDeleteMay Allah give you stamina and strength!