Friday, October 8, 2010

Air Janazah

Muslims must always contemplate their own demise and lately after the death of my mother-in-law that mindset is driven home even more. We don't know when our loved ones will die or when we will die or if we will die before them. Are we ready? Have we packed our good deeds? Look deep in your soul. If your parents are alive go and visit them NOW! Dh just told me about a man who hasn't visited his parents in 20 yrs on purpose and for no reason. I know a guy like that too who hasn't visited his parents in 30 years and in the meantime his father passed away and still he sits and waits. For what? His mother's death? His own death? Wake up and live! Follow the straight path. Repent. Do good deeds. Don't broadcast your sins; it doesn't make you cool! Don't procrastinate. Time waits for no man. What would you change right now if you knew you had a month or a week or a day or an hour to live? Carpe Diem-Seize the Moment. Pray now, give charity now, smile at your fellow man now, keep the ties of kinship, make up your fasts, give presents (you can't take your money with you anyway!) and write an islamic will. Hug your kids, teach them Islam, bring them to the masjid and let them know their relatives. Make friends for the sake of Allah. Give naseehah. Volunteer. Donate. Keep busy with righteous deeds and worthwhile endeavours. Make dua for others. Visit the sick. I think you get the picture. And don't forget dawah, especially to your non-muslim family. The reminder benefits the believer and I remind myself first.


  1. JazakAllah khair sister for helping our ummah wake up with this great reminder! A friend of mine, her daughter just died subhanAllah and she was only 3.5 years old. They didnt even know anything was wrong with her alhamdulillah, always happy and never sick. After the doctor checked her once she had passed, he found a problem with her lung no one knew about mashaAllah. Death comes when we least expect it, we should always try to do our best for Allah subhana wa tala and keep our family and friends close inshaAllah... love you for the sake of Allah habibti :)Oh, and thanks for dropping by my site, do you homeschool? I will have to read your blog more inshaAllah...

  2. Asalaamu Alaikum

    3 and half years old, so sad. May she be the reason for her parents entrance into Paradise.

    I love you to for the sake of Allah and all my readers; I have their best interests at heart.

    Yes I homeschool, I think you forgot about me telling you we would be starting a forum. If you look on the right side of my blog you will see a homeschool link. If you are reading this in reader then you won't see it, you will have to come to the actual page. You can also become a follower ;)
