Monday, February 14, 2011

Growing Up X and Green Deen

I've finally finished Green Deen. The last two chapters were called Water and Food. These are really good chapters and I'd like to cover them but I really want someone else to discuss them with so until I find at least one more reader I'm going to take a break. As for Growing Up X my library still doesn't have it so I intend to buy it this month. Insha Allah someone will pick one of these books up and join me because frankly I'm feeling a bit bored reading alone in this so-called book club.


  1. Alhumdullilah my library got Growing Up X today from an interlibrary loan. Let the reading begin!

  2. Oh, Aisha -- I'd be reading these with you in no time...except for school. I can't allow myself to be distracted by lovely, wonderful books when I have to read Texts. :(

    Let me know what's on the list for summer time. I'm planning on reading "The Marvels of the Heart" by Al-Ghazali -- Can't wait for this one, I've heard it's awesome.

    I'd also like to read Purification of the heart by Hamza Yousef - but it seems it's impossible to find in stores. :(

  3. Asalaamu Alaikum

    I know you would but where is everyone else? I have Purification of the Heart from the mosque library. Its actually late..I haven't even begun reading it.

  4. This one for June.

    Haven't thought about July and August yet though. Let me check out the Marvels of the Heart.

  5. Looks interesting. There was a course too that just started.

  6. Just finished the first chapter. Never knew there was a statue of Malcolm X. That's sad news to hear. I'm sure he wouldn't like that at all.

  7. Half way through the book. Any other readers? Its a very well-written, interesting book.

  8. Finished the book, will give my review soon. Anyone else reading it? Any thoughts? Anyone planning to read it?

  9. Yay someone else had read this and is giving away a free copy. check it out here.
