Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday Nasihah -Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle
Life's not fair. How is it that one kid grows up in a home where they are loved and made to feel like they are somebody and another kid grows up in a home where they are abused and made to feel worthless? If you're the latter, you may ask: "What did I do to deserve this?" Well, you didn't do anything to deserve it. It's not right, and it's not your fault.
You can do something about it. How? By breaking the cycle. If your parents are messed up, and their parents were messed up, you can break the cycle by not repeating these negative patterns in your own life, and by passing on good habits to your own kids someday.
You may be in a family that is drowning in sickness from drugs, violence, abuse, molestation, or neglect. It may have gone on for generations. But you can stop it from being passed on to your kids. you can rise above your childhood. Perhaps that's why you were born into this family, to heal the sickness within it, to be a purifying influence, to be the stable one, the example that others can look to. If you've been abused, you can pass on love. If you've been neglected, you can show great care. If you were raised in a contentious home, you can build a peaceful one. You can change everything downstream.
Compiled From:
"The 6 Most Important Decisions You'll Ever Make" - Sean Covey, p. 165

 My two cents:

We as converts have a role to play in our children's lives and in our family of origins lives. We are the new example. Its a great weight put on our shoulders but we are the only example in our families. Not all of us come from dysfunctional homes but most of us do.  Let's not repeat the mistakes of our forefathers or our conversion is for naught!


  1. Salam Alaykom,

    This was both inspiring and sad to read. Subhanallah there are many child that grow up in such broken and traumatizing homes. This a great post of HOPE for these victims.

  2. Wa Alaikum Salaam

    Yes it is, masha Allah.
